Title: Customise Your Own Mission Experience
Mission Europe provides an opportunity to live out your Christian faith in a fresh context, to act on your desire to make a difference, and to build real relationships with real people from different cultures in a missional context.
Each trip is tailor-made, designed to suit your (& the mission team’s) skills and personality. Our fantastic group programme is designed for church, youth, student and any other Christian groups to go overseas together and be inspired by local communities. Mission Europe works in South-East Europe including Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Serbia. Our reach into other European countries will expand as we grow.
Why not take a mission step and be apart of a mission team working together in your passion, gift, and talent to help people find faith in God, being challenged and stretched through personal and public ministry.
Your team can:
- Help raise the profile of a church plant within the local community
- Create long-term opportunities for evangelism
- Bring clothes, firewood, food, medical relief
- Invite people to Christian community events
- Be involved in education such as School assemblies, Lessons, After school clubs, Adult education, University forums
- Design Workshops such as Media, Music, Sport, Performing Arts, Leadership
Our passion is that you will see God at work in you and through you, sharing life together and reaching out with His love and compassion to the countless millions in Europe, who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
There are a thousand reasons why you cannot go – but sometimes all it takes is one good reason to make the seemingly impossible possible.
Find out more and get involved.