'The Storehouse' project is designed to reach out to the under-privileged with the practical love of God. It’s sharing necessities today for a better tomorrow.
The four focuses include:
- Clothes – making a child warm
- Firewood – making a home warm
- Food – providing food for families
- Medicine - providing supplies and health awareness.
What does it cost to take care of a child where we live? We buy food, pay for heating bills, make sure they are happy, check they have their coat on before leaving the house, celebrate their birthdays, take them to the doctors when they are feeling sick, and buy the medicine so they get better, ensure they are safe and kiss them goodnight.
The storehouse will be a support structure to deliver the level of care we would for our own children and family. Would you like to be part of changing a story in someone’s future, do you have a heart for practical solutions and supporting those less fortunate - join us in seeing the dream become reality!
Jesus said: "Whatever you did for one of the least, you did for me (Matthew 25:40).